Crimson Coffee House

Tired Goat

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Medium Roast 

Tasting Notes: Lime, Milk Chocolate, Dark Fruit

Coffee Roots

Why a goat you may ask? According to folk-lore, a goat herder took his goats out to pasture one day. At the end of the day, he would use a flute to call them back to the farm. He tried the flute several times with little success and decided to find his goats. When he found them, they were eating cherries from a tree (the coffee cherry) and acting frisky. He made the leap and decided to try the coffee cherries for himself. The insignificant act of eating a cherry created a global phenomenon in which we call coffee.

Comprised of coffees from Central America, South America, and Indonesia, this blend offers a clean, sweet, and balanced cup. This blend is for regular and decaffeinated coffee drinkers alike. Not only is this coffee great in a drip brewer, it also works great through a pour over brewer or as an espresso. You should find notes of citrus, chocolate, and sweet caramel  through  any  of  these  brewing  methods